Contact Information

Editor – in – Chief is responsible for
- Appointment of associate editors.
- Guide the associate editors and editorial assistant.
- Taking the final decision on papers, based on the recommendations from associate editor.
- Writing the editorial for each issue.
- Derive a format for the journal.
Editorial Committee
Technical editors are responsible for
- Check the scope of the manuscript.
- Suggest the initial decision based on the editorial assistant’s guidelines (whether to move on with reviewing or rejecting based on the similarity scores).
- Identify the potential reviewers.
- Maintain the double-blind peer review in time.
- Suggest the final decision to editor in chief.
Technical editors

Prof. Niranga Amarasingha
Associate Professor

Prof. Migara Liyanage
Associate Professor

Prof. Upaka Rathnayake
Associate Professor

Prof. Sujeewa Hettiwatte
Assistant Professor

Dr. Mudith Karunarathna
Associate Professor

Ms. Nishanthi Gunarathna
Editorial assistant / Secretary of the Journal

Ms. Nishanthi Gunarathna
Editorial assistant is responsible for
- Maintaining the submission portal.
- Initial check of paper suitability based on similarity scores.
- Prepare the documents for indexing.
- Editing the accepted papers to the journal format.
- Final publication (Online or Hardcopy if needed).
Language helpers
Language helper is responsible for
- Read the accepted manuscripts for grammar and style issues and suggest the necessary corrections.