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Factors Affecting Red-Light Running of Pedestrians at Signalized Intersections
- By: Herath. C, Amarasingha. N
Hundreds of pedestrians have died and many have been injured in the past decades as a result of Red Light Running (RLR) infractions. According to the United States Department of Transportation, 846 pedestrians have died and 143,000 have been injured in 2019 due to RLR violations. The majority of previous studies have focused on pedestrian behavior at an intersection, whereas only a few have looked into pedestrian RLR violations. The main objectives of this research are to find the pedestrians' RLR rate in Sri Lanka and to find ways to reduce the RLR rate of pedestrians at the signalized crossing. Video observation surveys were conducted to collect data at three signalized intersections within Kandy city limits during weekdays for two hours per site. Pedestrian demographic variables such as gender and age; crossing characteristics such as crossing type, direction, crossing speed etc; and site characteristics such as crossing length, pedestrian green time, etc. were recorded. Chi-square and binary logistic regression tests were done. Results showed that out of 178 females, 130 had compliance with signal phases and out of 386 males, only 215 had compliance with RLR of a pedestrian. Furthermore, other independent variables such as age, crossing type, direction etc. were also associated with compliance RLR of pedestrians under Chi-square results. Based on the results of binary logistic regression, the variables such as gender, crossing type, number of traffic lanes, and pedestrian speed are significant when decreasing the log of probability -0.658, -3.040, -1.022 and -2.556 of compliance for RLR respectively. Variables that crosswalk utilization are also significant when increasing the log of probability of RLR 1.406 of compliance for RLR. The results would help develop safer pedestrian infrastructures and engineering countermeasures as well as assist the researchers and practitioners in better understanding pedestrian crossing behavior at signalized intersections.
Keywords: Pedestrian's violation, Road safety, Signalized crosswalk, Red-light running